It can be very emotional for a family to move out from their old home into their new one. It feels like one chapter in the family life is ending, but that also means another one is just beginning. The last goodbye to your old family home should consist of giving the place a thorough scrub down. You don't want to leave other people with the dirt that you left, just like you wouldn't want to walk in on the same mess in your new place.
Clean the Outside, Too
People usually focus on only the interior of the home they're leaving. Even though this is a natural part of cleaning, you shouldn't forget the outside, either. This is especially true when you've got children who liked to play outside while you lived there. It will be your job to make sure that the yard is well-kept and in order, as well as that the exterior of the house isn't damaged. If you've accidentally cracked the paint or made the facade dirtier, you may even need to repaint a little.
Other than that, you'll need to cut the grass, take care of the flowers, and get rid of all the leaves. You can also wash any garden paths and concrete there may be outside. If you've got a porch of a patio, don't forget to give it some love, too. These parts of the house tend to get super dusty and will need to be cleaned thoroughly. Outside furniture can be wiped down or washed, as well. Don't neglect washing the outside cushions and other fabrics you used for sitting, either.
Go Room by Room
The safest way to make sure you didn't miss anything is to go room by room. Each family member should take it upon themselves to do something in the room you're cleaning. So, while you focus on decluttering, your significant other can vacuum, and your child can dust. This way, you'll be working together towards a common foal of cleaning the house room by room.
This is also an effective way to clean because you can bid your time. There's no rush to clean everything in one afternoon. Each day can be reserved for a different room. That allows you to pack with less pressure hanging above you, too. You'll know you don't have to hurry and will be free to be as thorough as possible. Remember that it's more important to do the job well than to do the job as quickly as possible.
Hire A Professional
Hiring a professional a perfect for those who want to keep it clean but don't have the time or the will to do it themselves. Give the whole family a break by having someone else do the bond cleaning for you. You'll be sure that the job is done right and that your deposit will be given back to you. Since your life doesn't stop just because you're moving, this may help lessen your load.
You'll have to take care of your family and prepare the new place, as well, so thorough cleaning may just be putting too much on your plate. This is especially true if you've got small children. Do yourself and your landlord a favor and take care of the place in the most convenient and efficient way. You surely won't regret it.
Delegate Tasks
You'll be done much more quickly if all of the family pitches in to help. This means that you should delegate tasks with all family members. If your children are older, it will be much easier to get them to help, too. Have a family meeting and tell everyone that cleaning is in order. Then decide who's best at doing what and delegate different cleaning tasks.
It's important for the entire family to understand that cleaning the house is everyone's responsibility. You all lived there, just like you're all going to take care of it. The cleaning will be done much more quickly, too, now that you've got more hands working towards the same goal.
Cleaning might be tedious, but it's also necessary. You'll need to plan carefully and make sure you've done each part of the house. Your landlord and the new family that's moving in will surely be thankful for the hard work you put in. Leaving on a friendly and responsible note is the only right way to leave a place you used to call home for so long.
Bio: Patrick Adams is a freelance writer and rock-blues fan. When he is not writing about home improvement, he loves to play chess, watch basketball, and play his guitar. More than anything, he loves to spend his time in his garage, repairing appliances and creating stuff from wood.