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5 Simple Steps to Reorganizing Your Apartment [EASY!]

Written by Maricriz Rodriguez | Feb 25, 2020 3:18:05 PM

Getting organized is at the top of a lot of people's to-do lists. it seems we all want a clean house where everything is in its place at all times. But for some of us getting to that point is no easy feat.

Organizing is one of those things that is easy to put off. But it's actually not that hard to do. If you know the right tricks, you can make this the year that you organize your home once and for all.

Ready to give your apartment the organizational overhaul it needs? Here is our step-by-step guide to reorganizing your apartment!


There are lots of different ways to organize your home. But they all start with a good decluttering.

The best way to declutter is to create three piles: one to keep, one to toss, and one to donate. The less you have to put back, the easier organizing will be.

Not sure where to start? There are two approaches you can take:

Declutter One Room at a Time

Start in the kitchen, living room, or bedroom (whichever you prefer).

Go through that entire room, including the drawers and cabinets, and get rid of anything you don’t need or don’t want.

Declutter by Category

If you have books and papers in every room of the house, start there. Do you have kids’ toys strewn all about your apartment? Tackle those first.

Just pick any category and get started.

Organize Room by Room

Once you’ve decluttered, it’s time to start the actual organization process. The easiest way to organize is to complete one room at a time.

If you start with your kitchen, for example, you should organize the entire kitchen before moving onto your bathroom or bedroom.

There’s something about stepping back and seeing the progress you’ve made in one room that makes you want to tackle the rest.

Shop for Storage Solutions

Getting organized is one thing, but staying organized is the real goal. And that’s a lot easier to do when you have the right tools on hand

(When I say, “tools,” I’m talking about storage boxes, bins, drawer organizers, and maybe even new furniture.)

You’ll need to find a way to contain every item you own, whether that be in a drawer, in a bin, or on a shelf.

Here are some organizational tools that you’ll want to consider adding to each room:

  • Living room: a paper tray for mail, a magazine rack, a bin to hold phone cords and chargers
  • Bathroom: storage bins for cosmetics, canisters for cotton balls, a basket for extra toilet paper
  • Kitchen: hanging racks for pots and pans, a box for recipes and coupons, hooks to hang linens
  • Bedroom: a shelf for shoes, storage boxes for winter sweaters, hooks to hang scarves and belts
  • Home office: a filing bin for important papers, a desk tray to hold office supplies

Before you go out and shop for new tools, take stock of any overlooked spaces where you can incorporate storage solutions.

For example, you might consider hanging over-the-door organizers on the backs of your doors. They’ll help you to maximize space and create easy-access storage for small items.

Shelf risers are also quite useful, as you can turn a one-level shelf into two levels. Then, you can stack double the amount of items

Assign a Home to Every Object You Own

Now that you have some options to work with, it’s time to decide where everything will live.

If you have a small apartment, you’ll want to invest in some double-duty furniture that offers built-in storage.

For example:

Look for a coffee table with a lift-top lid so you can stash remote controls, gaming devices, or magazines inside. And an ottoman with a removable lid will give you a place to store extra blankets for guests.

In the kitchen, make use of your overhead space. Consider adding a hanging rack for pots and pans or a shelf with S-hooks where you can hang aprons, dish towels, and potholders. The smaller your apartment, the more important it is to make use of vertical space.

Remember, getting organized doesn’t mean cramming things into drawers or stuffing them into closets. What it really means is getting rid of clutter and giving everything a home so you know where to find it.

Add Shelves

Of all the organizational tools that exist, shelves are our favorite. From floating wall shelves to floor-to-ceiling units, shelves make it easy to organize everything from books to shoes to decorative accents.

Are your kitchen cabinets bursting with glasses and dishes? Display your coffee mugs and plates on a shelf!

Do you have piles of books in every room of your apartment? Buy a short bookshelf to house them all and use the top as a place to display decorative items!

Is your closet floor a mess of shoes and boots? A bookshelf is perfect for organizing your shoes in pairs!

If you want to keep your place looking clean and minimalistic, just add a few decorative storage boxes to your shelves. That way, you’ll always have a place to hide small items that haven’t yet found a home.

In Summary

Organizing is one of those things that some people love and some people dread. If you’re the latter, there is one bright spot that’s worth noting:

If you do it right the first time, you’ll never have to do it again!

Declutter and whittle down your belongings so that there’s less to start with. Assign every item a specific home. Make use of organizational tools and invest in some creative storage solutions to fit what you have.

And when it’s all done, promise yourself that you’ll never let it get out of control again. By devoting a few minutes each week to picking up, you might just find that you have the most organized apartment of anyone you know.


Author Bio:

Caitlin Sinclair is the Property Manager at The Charlie. She has a passion for her community and loves making The Charlie a great place to call home.