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6 Unique Tips for Reogranizing Your Small Living Room

Written by Maricriz Rodriguez | Apr 23, 2019 11:48:00 PM

The smaller the space, the harder it is to stay organized.

Throw in a crazy schedule, and suddenly a small living room can quickly turn into a disaster zone. 

Don't freak out just yet, because we're here to help!

The good news is that even the messiest of people can learn to reorganize their space. All it takes is a little bit of strategizing.

Use Hidden Storage

When furnishing a small living room, always look for furniture that can double as storage. Here are some of our favorite examples.

One of our favorite examples is the storage bench. It's not that common to have on in a living room, but it's certainly acceptable!

Putting a storage bench in your living room creates extra seating and more importantly, is a smart way to reorganize your space.

In a storage bench, you can store toys, board games, and a throw blanket or two for easy access.

We'd also like to point out that if you have a coffee table, you should reassess how to use it for storage effectively.Many coffee tables look attractive but don't have a lot of storage for remotes, magazines, or even drink coasters.

If you're attached to your existing coffee table and don't want to replace it, we get it.

Instead, try adding some rolling baskets, bins, or low storage cubes underneath the table for additional closed storage.

You might want to take some measurements, so you'll know what type of storage accessories will fit underneath the coffee table.

But remember: the fewer storage cubes under the table, the better. It's going to look cluttered if there are a variety of closed storage underneath the coffee table. Keep it functional, not disorderly.

Tidy Up Cords

Until everything becomes wireless, we'll have to deal with those tangled cables that are behind and sometimes in front of our entertainment centers.

Thankfully, you have some options for taming the cords.

The first option is using a cable protector designed to hide multiple cords while lying flat. This means you don't have to worry anymore about tripping over loose cords, it also looks a whole lot better.

A cable caddy is another solution. It typically sticks onto a console or desk and has space for several cables.

Bottom line: Figure out what type of cable organizer works best for you and get to work on eliminating some of those unruly cords.

Invest in a Rolling Cart

Rolling carts (such as a 3-tier book or 2-tier serving cart) are fantastic ways to store items you need without them being in the way all the time.

A few items you can store on a rolling cart include books, magazines, and remotes.

This clever piece of furniture is flexible for a variety of purposes:

  • Use it as an end table while watching TV
  • Store your record collection
  • Put books in it to create a corner bookshelf
  • Create an instant bar for entertaining guests

You may enjoy your rolling cart so much that you decide to put one in a bedroom or bathroom.

As long as they don't further clutter up your space, they're an excellent solution to moving things around without having to redo a bathroom cabinet, for example.

There's no doubt about it; a bar cart is the transitional storage piece everyone needs!

Display Photos in a Creative Way

Having a lot of photo frames tend to clutter up a family room. Take control by creatively displaying them.

Collage Frames

Collage frames are a great option because they're typically tall and can hold a lot of photos

Group favorite photos together and you can look at all of them without having a cluttered shelf.

Digital Photo Frames

A digital photo frame is another original way to display photos and is also a fantastic time saver.

Instead of taking the time to develop photos and put them in frames you can upload them digitally.

Utilize Wall Space

Moreover, you can display photos in other places besides just on side tables or the mantel.

Don't forget to utilize vertical space on the wall. You'd be amazed at how many pictures you can put on a wall! Don't get too carried away though.

Photo Boxes

One more idea (and there are many more)! is to store photos in photo boxes.

Storing photos in boxes is convenient if you're a scrapbooker or prefer to sort photos by date or occasion.

Have a Clutter Catcher

When all else fails, and you don't have the time to keep your living room organized, add a "clutter catcher."

A storage basket can act as a clutter catcher and trust us; it can make a huge difference.

Ideally, you should put things away after you're done using them, but for a quick, organized solution, you can temporarily add "clutter" to the basket.

Purchase a colorful basket or something similar where you can throw magazines, books, and other accessories that are not in use.

Just don't use the clutter catcher to catch everything or the living room will look disorganized.

 Organizing your living room is no easy feat, but after you take the time to figure out a layout that works best you'll feel a lot better.

Having a family room storage solution going forward will keep your space organized. The last thing you want to do is undo everything you just worked hard to achieve. Establish some ground rules so that won't happen.

To keep everything organized, remind family members to put things back after they're done using them.

If all goes well these unique tips for organizing your living room will put the family back in your family room.


Author Bio:

Carolina Creek is a great townhouse-style community located about a mile from Eastern Carolina University's campus. The community consists of 2x3 and 3x3 apartments and contains a full amenity suite including a fitness center, pool, business center, and game room. The community is the best value in the Greenville, NC student housing market.